В Крыму задержали Мурада Амояна, известного в преступном мире как криминальный авторитет Мраз Мытищинский. Об этом в субботу, 28 декабря, сообщает Telegram -канал Shot.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the apprehension of a prominent criminal figure, Murad Amayyan (Mraz Mytischinsky), in Crimea.
Here are the key points:
* Identity and Criminal Activities: Amayyan is described as a close associate of the notorious Russian crime figure Aslan Usoyran ("Ded Hasan") and the leader of an organized crime group that terrorized businesses in the Kuban region and the Moscow Oblast.
* Extradition and Legal Proceedings: Amayyan was wanted in Armenia for kidnapping and crossed into Russia from there. He was carrying forged documents when apprehended.
* Continuing Crackdown on Organized Crime: This arrest follows the recent detention of another high-profile criminal, "vor v zakone" Selviyan, highlighting ongoing efforts to dismantle organized crime networks in Russia.
Essentially, the article reports on a significant win for law enforcement in their fight against organized crime, highlighting the apprehension of a major player within Russia's criminal underworld.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the apprehension of a prominent criminal figure, Murad Amayyan (Mraz Mytischinsky), in Crimea. Here are the key points: * Identity and Criminal Activities: Amayyan is described as a close associate of the notorious Russian crime figure Aslan Usoyran ("Ded Hasan") and the leader of an organized crime group that terrorized businesses in the Kuban region and the Moscow Oblast. * Extradition and Legal Proceedings: Amayyan was wanted in Armenia for kidnapping and crossed into Russia from there. He was carrying forged documents when apprehended. * Continuing Crackdown on Organized Crime: This arrest follows the recent detention of another high-profile criminal, "vor v zakone" Selviyan, highlighting ongoing efforts to dismantle organized crime networks in Russia. Essentially, the article reports on a significant win for law enforcement in their fight against organized crime, highlighting the apprehension of a major player within Russia's criminal underworld.